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Need to find something and Anipike is still down???
Legends of Rovana : Be Tempted
Fantasy. Elves. Wizards. Mystery. Updates daily!!
The only service you can reward by scratching it's belly.
A lot of things to do, see, and such. Go here.
Young, easy, good. Everything you want in one.
These kick fanny.
Mixed Myth
Another site like this one. We love random! And Aidan...Too bad it isn't yaoi.
Japanese Gifts.com
Shoes, Kimono, Sushi, Fans...They've got it if you want it.
Lolita Gothic Bibles, Calanders, Books, Cds, Etc. Japanese items you never thought you'd find.
Japan Manga Bookmart
Comics from Japan in Japanese. Yippy!
Gundam Wing After Wars
A Gundam Wing RPG that leaves the others behind!
Every story you can think to want to read that you haven't already written from Evangelion to NSYNC
Humans, demons, and angsty-type relationships of the pretty-boi variety. It's shounen-ai...on a stick! :D Vincent is like Angel (from buffy) but more evil...cut me off a piece of that
Umbrella Studios
I refuse to write a description. HA!
Blatah takes place in a fantasy setting, and it follows the life of the main character - whom we shall know as Eggman for now - and those who for reasons of their own decide to follow him. Namely, Amanda - thrown from a roof or fallen from the sky: fact is so subjective after all; and Rai, a self-described stylish rebel monk.